Saturday, September 19, 2009


Hello. I was thinking about going postal but decided this might be less violent. Crap...I have a question for you people on the right: How can you all be so god damned stupid! I'm sick of people on the left trying to cut you fucking idiots any slack on this issue. You are ALL complete idiots and I wish you would all do this country a favor and kill yourselves! It's too bad the so called liberal media loves you dimwits so much, I guess the media is just attracted to anyone who is yelling (especially if you're yelling about things that aren't real).

This whole debate about healtcare should really make people realize how awfull the republican party is. Most of the Democrats suck ass too, but not as bad as the Republicans...Those fucking Republicans only care about a political victory, and even go against their own legislation just so the Democrats can't get anything done! The Democrats are trying to be "bipartisan" and actually accepting allot of the Republican amendments, then the Republcans say they're still against the bill????!!! I wish the Democrats would just tell the Republicans to go fuck themselves and get something done. What the hell are these people on the right so afraid of???

More to come. I have to work.


  1. I will comment on my first ever post, a historical moment in blog history. My blog is lame but I dont care. You can go fuck yourself if you dint like my typings. Did you hear me? GO FUCK YOURSELF! HAHAHAHA. WOOOOOOOOOOOO!

  2. AHHHHHHHHHH! Get me out of here!&!$@^#()@#%%$^*!!!! I NEED A BEER!!!!!
