So I was reading a bit of "news" on Yahoo the other day and came accross this comment:
"Gutless Muslims and sympathyzers dont want you to know that they are exempt from Obama. I guarantee that this is the truth. If you have any morals, look it up or contact your local politician for the info".
First I thought "what a dumb shit, what the fuck does exempt from Obama mean", then I thought "what the fuck is a local politician?". So anyway, I did a quick search to confirm this "Muslim exemption" is just more right wing bullshit, and of course it was. I tried to tell this dipshit he was mistaken and here are a couple responses I received:
"Actually MichaelT the m0r0n he is not wrong you sycophantic lap licking shill"
"Muslim liar".
So these motherfuckers just called me some stupid names, and continue to go on believing things that are not true. The evidence is just overfuckingwhelming that these right wing shitkickers are just plain stupid.
Oh ya, there's plenty of information readily available about the fact the this "Muslim exemption" is total bullshit. Of course these fucking idiots won't look into anything that might contradict the crap they want to believe. That's why these fuckwits stick to Fox, because Fox will lie about anything to press their agenda. Right wingers always say MSNBC is "Libtard propaganda" too, but the problem with that claim is that MSNBC, left biased as they might be, almost always uses video taped evidence to back up their claims. So to you wingut who hates George Soros and Unions because Fox told you to, I say this: Go fuck yourself you stupid shit for brains motherfucker. (I know, not very constructive, but I'm only here to type random things while I pass the day at work, so go read something else).
Here's another good one from yahoo:
"obama..you said you'd close guantanamo..LIE..You said unemployment would never get above 8%..LIE..You said you would be a uniter..LIE..you said you'd end 2 wars..LIE...and these liberal idiots still jerk off over your every word..No wonder your sodocrat party got handed a HISTORICAL beating in the mid term election and nancy pelosi is now in the back of the bus..Liberals are blithering IDIOTS who have no other important goal other than sodomy and mass murdering millions of babies with abortion..and OBAMA..can you and the sodocrats name even a single promise that you delivered on?? where is my free health care you lying POS"
So what the fuck is a "sodocrat"? Does the right wing like making up words or is it they can't spell? I think it's both. I suppose this fucking idiot is trying to imply the Democrats are Sodomizers? Well he didn't say gay sodomizers! Maybe this idiot needs to look up one of the many anti-gay gay Republicans and make himself a date. Fucking asshole.

Here's some more stereotypical idiocy:
Hopefully, the Republicans will pass a law REQUIRING the candidates to show publically their proof that they are, indeed, eligible to run for president.The Republicans, on two separate occasions, presented bills for doing this...but the lying, liberal @#$%, Pelosi, wouldn't even allow them to be voted on.....now just WHAT do all those liberals fear?They sure demanded a senate hearing into John McCain's eligibility....why not "The Kenyan"?
My comment to this asshole is pretty nuch the same as it is for most if these assholes: Go fuck yourself you stupid motherfucker.
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