I have some questions for people who vote republican. I'd like to know what exactly are you people voting for? What do you people expect and want? Do you not like breathing clean air and having clean water? Do you not like conserving natural resources for future generations? Do you want there to be a chance for real health care reform or do you believe if you can't pay for healhcare you should just go away and die? Are things like gay marriage, abortion, medical pot, illegal immigration, and assisted suicide more important to you people than things like creating a strong economy and protecting the environment (you know, like tha air we breath)? And besides, what have the Republicans done to eliminate these things? Nothing, because if they did, then they'd have no ammo to use, election after election. How can you idiots be so gullible, over and over? They say they want small governent, but when have Republicans ever reduced the size and scope of government? I'll tell you when: NEVER! That's fucking when you god damned moron's!