Thursday, November 4, 2010

Some questions.

I have some questions for people who vote republican. I'd like to know what exactly are you people voting for? What do you people expect and want? Do you not like breathing clean air and having clean water? Do you not like conserving natural resources for future generations? Do you want there to be a chance for real health care reform or do you believe if you can't pay for healhcare you should just go away and die? Are things like gay marriage, abortion, medical pot, illegal immigration, and assisted suicide more important to you people than things like creating a strong economy and protecting the environment (you know, like tha air we breath)? And besides, what have the Republicans done to eliminate these things? Nothing, because if they did, then they'd have no ammo to use, election after election. How can you idiots be so gullible, over and over? They say they want small governent, but when have Republicans ever reduced the size and scope of government? I'll tell you when: NEVER! That's fucking when you god damned moron's!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hey Boehner! Fuck You Motherfucker!

You god damned ignorant motherfuckers who vote Republican need to get your fucking heads out of yout fat fucking asses. These cock suckers are good for nothing fear mongering fascist traitors. Thanks to Citizens United, our country has been sold to the highest bidder, and you stupid pieces of shit that vote Republican are allowing it to happen. Democrats suck too, but not nearly as bad. Due to you god damned Republican supporters, the downfall of our country is getting closer. You people suck. If you watch Fox "news" you suck. If you listen to Rush Limbaugh, you suck. If you pay attention to these things you are a fucking fool. If you sit there and obsess about Obama being a Muslim Socialist from Kenya, you need to go kill your fucking self for being such a god damned gullible idiot. You Republicans are the ultimate hypocritical retarded homophobic homos, big fat selfish gluttons, ignorant racist stupid cock sucking bitch ass motherfuckers! The huge fucking list of facts goes right by you dimwitted fuckwads so why bother even presenting anything? You people are mindless sheep who believe what you're told and actually find stupid bullshit like reality TV interesting. You people suck. You really do. This country sucks allot more than it should because of Republicans. Did I forget to mention FUCK YOU REPUBLICAN SCUM!!!!!!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Non-republican suck related photos

Hi! Here are some photos I found kinda funny!

Saturday, February 13, 2010


I haven't put anything on here for awhile so I owe all my loyal fans an apology! Sorry! Hey Republicans-FUCK YOU! YOU SUCK! Just my 2 cents. I have to go now!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Hi Again! Have I mentioned how much I HATE Republicans lately? Well if not I HATE ALL REPUBLICANS! (Lincoln Chafee was OK, but that's why he's not a Republican anymore). Now add to the list of shit-sucking fascist traitor anti-American scoundrel scumbags 5/4 of the US Supreme Court! Thomas and Scalia are PIGS! They are both mentally ill and need to be removed from the court!